Sierra For Shawnee
Sierra is running for city council!
Please take a look around and contact me if you have a project you want brought to life.
Sierra is running for city council!
This website makes use of the OpenWeatherMap API to display the weather for any given city, and the Unsplash photo API to display a photograph from that city. HTML, CSS, and Javascript used.
This website, made with HTML, CSS, and Javascript, makes use of NASA's picture-of-the-day API to allow users to virually hop through space.
EDA, cleaning, and analysis of a dataset of 7000+ reviews of coffee with python packages: pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, wordcloud, and numpy. Visualization with Tableau. Linear regression with sklearn and statsmodels.
Using T-SQL to navigate a relational database from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Gaining insights fron 16 years of construction data, using python, SQL, and Tableau.